LOVE at United Colors Festival, Rosengarten
Posted by julian | July 31st, 2010Money Talks. Thanks to all “Lovers” for stopping by yesterday!
The freshly printed £ (Sterling) on Marc Sherer’s “Eyes of Clara Schumann”. Thanks to ATM Gallery for inviting us to the United Colors Festival 2010.
LOVE is a beautiful thing.
5°Asalto, Urban Art Festival 2010, Saragossa
Posted by michael | June 24th, 2010From 16th to 20th of July we performed twice at the Urban Art Festival, 5°Asalto, in Saragossa. It was a great honour for us joining these connaisseurs of wallpainting and graffiti. Learning about the different attitudes they create their art from we gave our best to contributed our part.
The Stone Signum (4×4m) consisting of 2000 dots was shot live on the evening of the 17th of July.
Being happy the show at plaza Ecce Homo went well, I proudly signed into the book of Luis López Álvarez! Thank you for photographing!
After quite some excitement, cause the landowner changed mind shortly before I started printing, Alfredo Martínez spontaniously organized this new wall to print the “Triangle Materia” (5×4m). You can find it at calle Estebanía over the theatre el Plata in the old citycenter of Saragossa.
For the left one Boa Mistura (Madrid) bought all gold spray cans in Zaragoza. I observed people stopping and giving spontanious applause for their painting “Technologia Omnipotens Regnat”. On the right, an impressive mural of Laguna (Ciudad Real) and Skount (Barcelona) at la plaza Ecce Homo.
100 Pression (Nantes) enriched the city with their Riot Kids Shop at calle Manifestación. Play on the streets, kids! photocredits: brazo de hierro.
In calle de la libertad ROA (Gante) came up with this marvellous x-rayed squirrel. Within one festival-week the city of Zaragoza gained loads of styles worth to see! Compliments to everybody involved. – 5°Asalto Zaragoza from Facadeprinter on Vimeo.
“Kotti Magic” or “The Hand of the Creator”
Posted by julian | April 29th, 2010There is no place in Berlin the city is more dense than at Kottbusser Tor. Full of life and contrasts. This atmosphere is unique soil for sparkling culture. Here the begging hand and the ‘Hand of the Creator’ become equal.
Yesterday we printed onto the wall of the Wilhelm-Liebknecht-Bibliothek at Kottbusser Tor, Kreuzberg. We were stunned by how many people came to watch the show. Thank you all for stopping by!
The three photos above are shot by Sebastian Bozada, thank you for letting us show them!
One characteristic of the orange color we used for the hand is that it becomes significantly lighter within a couple of hours. The pictures below were taken in the afternoon of the same day.
Just Taking Pictures published some amazing images of the action and Spiegel Online made a great video-report.
See us live at Kottbusser Tor
Posted by julian | April 23rd, 2010For everyone who is in Berlin next week and wants to see the Facadeprinter in action: We’re printing next wednesday, 28.04., from the Zentrum Kreuzberg onto the wall of the Wilhelm-Liebknecht-Bibliothek at Kotbusser Tor (Adalbertstr. 2, map). Be there at 9 o’clock in the morning.
Good weather is the premise, of course. So make sure to check back here, Facebook or Twitter, before getting up early for nothing.
We’re looking forward to see you there!
Three Stones
Posted by michael | October 14th, 2009
We tested monochrome shading by filling these various geometric shapes. The density of the dots gives a colour value, therefore areas of high density have a dark shade. To prepare the digital artwork we took photographs of firestones from Rügen. We then manually drew the image, each dot a click of a mouse. Before writing a piece of software to support this drawing process we initially wanted a proof print to test the placement of the dots against the shaded monochrome prints.
The “three stones” were the result. Each of these forms measures of 6 x 6 meters. The green square is made up of 3000 dots, printed in 26 minutes. The pink triangle 1800 dots in 15 minutes and the orange circle has 2000 shots applied in 18 minutes. The large wall (30 meters) initially was painted grey and then printed upon. – three stones from Facadeprinter on Vimeo.
Crab Pincher
Posted by michael | September 9th, 2009
This crab pincher is our first attempt in testing multiple colour printing. The photos show the process of printing – a build up of six different coloured layers. It took one hour to apply this artwork onto the wall.During this time the dark blue layer was absorbed by the plaster concrete surface of the wall and finally not visible anymore. Nevertheless the testing was a huge success as we were able to explore and experience for the first time a multi layered print.
The total print has the size of 5 x 2,3m and made up 2.200 colour balls. The colours we used were Cyan (195 dots), Dark Blue (185 dots), Orange (280 dots), Pink (130 dots) and Red (1430 dots). We printed at at a distance of 4.7 meters. – Lobster from Facadeprinter on Vimeo.
Posted by michael | August 28th, 2009
At the river Spree in the heart of Berlin we printed this jumping humpback whale. The challenge was to maintain a clean print despite the long distance to the pillar and a constant wind over the water surface. We had never tested printing at such distances, and so we had no precise idea how big each colour dot would be. Since the artwork was based on a vector, we had to estimate the distance between the placement of the dots. The outline of the whale worked out quite well. Only the mouth of the whale turned out to be a bit overloaded due to the large dot size.
The distance from the river bank to the wall is 11.4 meters and total print area is 8 x 4 meters. For the humpback whale we used 2.500 blue colour balls.
Posted by michael | July 31st, 2009
This yellow sphere with 4 meters diameter was the very first shaded monochrome we printed. After the concept of a dot drawing, the darker shades were realised with a higher density of dots. Above you see the svg-file with a circle outline and shading. This sphere consisted of 1670 dots, printing distance was 8 meters.
Posted by michael | June 9th, 2009
The exibition “Wahlheimat” at Karlsruhe’s Nancy Halle dealt with democratisation of the fine arts. At the opening of the exibition we shot this federal eagle with 1789 dots. The printing took about 10 minutes. The gold-orange colour faded into a pale beige the next day, of which the co-curator Oliver Boeg commented, “That gave it the gentle connotation of 1789 bird shits – I love it”. After the closing of the exhibition three months later the 4 x 4 meter eagle was swept off the wall with a broom.
The svg-file of the eagle with a preview of all dots aligned to the vector.
Create or Die
Posted by michael | May 26th, 2009
Create or Die- We printed this Slogan onto a wall of the BCC-building in Alexanderplatz Berlin.
Posted by michael | May 8th, 2009
On a windy morning we printed this yellow A+ from a distance of 6 meters. The 3 x 3 meter type in 8 meters height was made up of 800 dots. We observed the yellow turning white within one week and after 2 months it had completely bleached out.
Posted by julian | March 30th, 2009
Our first comissioned work: a portrait of reformator Jean Calvin on the backside of of a church in Hamburg´s center (close to the main station). For us it meant a challenge to apply a print which was to last für the whole „Calvin-year 2009“. So we filled acrylic-dispersion-paint into 4000 bullets ourselves by hand. To gain higher contrast on the stainy concrete wall we decided to print the portrait in two layers, first orange as a primer then black as a maximum contrast. The print in total is 5 meters high and 12 meters wide. The exact location is the Calvinist-reformed parish Hamburg, Ferdinandstrasse at corner Brandsende.